Monday, February 21, 2011

The Enlightened Placemat

{or Pretty Pillows for Pennies}...

So last Tuesday I turned this...

Into this...

and then I went about exclaiming how I was a GENIUS the rest of the day*.  {OK, ok, I'm no genius.  I got the idea from these amazing ladies:   SuperLOVE their website!}  But the husband was suitably impressed.  Although that could be 99% percent due to the fact that I came home with the makings for a project and then finished that project within the hour.  Hmmm...  And it only cost me $2.99!  Thats two dollars and change people!  Less than a Big Mac!**  

So here is what I did, which is exactly what I learned here:   ;)

Pick up cute Spring-y placemat at Target that will help you feel all warm & cozy even while it is snowing buckets outside.  Placemat cost:  $2.99.

Use seam ripper to make 4-5 inch hole along whichever side will be the bottom of pillow.

Use Poly-fil to stuff until bursting.  I used an entire bag that I already had but the bag said $2.99 so if you're keeping track my total cost is still $2.99.  But even if you need to buy the stuffing you are only at $5.98!

I meant to go back after sewing halfway across the hole and make sure those corners were still stuffed.  I forgot.  I got over it. 

And I was too lazy to pin the hole closed before sewing.  I just held it but holy cow I do not recommend that!  My hand was hurting bad from holding that seam closed against the stuffing.  Take the 60 seconds to pin it. You're welcome.

See.  Looks fine.  But my hand is a different story.  I now have one hand and one claw.  No lie.

Prop that baby up on its new home and take 57 pictures...  :)

...of your pillow that only cost $2.99.  :)  LOVE that!

*You should not have to look up how to spell the word "genius" if in fact you ARE a genius. See, I ain't no genius.  Seriously I just spelled it wrong AGAIN!

**{Yum.  Big Mac.}

1 comment:

Dried-on Milk said...

what an excellent idea!! i think even i can do that!