Thursday, March 19, 2009

Acrylic Stamp Storage

I finally got around to a project that I have had in mind for awhile. In the past I have kept some of these stamps (still in packaging) stashed in a binder and the rest piled in a basket on the shelf. They were never getting used. Now this...

plus this...

plus this...

equals this


Fun find

I found this paper line at Michaels the other day. Usually I don't find much in there but I went in for poster paint and found these cuties.

I'm going to use them to make a magnetic canvas/artwork for each of the girls' rooms!

Scrapbook Kit Storage

Itso fabric storage bins from Target

+2 gallon Ziploc bags

= An organized & happy Rachel.

Oooh, this is inspiring! Maybe later I'll post pictures of my new stamp organization. But first I have to go paint the bathroom. ;)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Its about that time...

My picks for this season of American Idol. These contestants would make up the best top five show in my opinion. They are all amazing singers. And no matter what some people think, that is what really matters.

(And if you look back to this post, I DID pick 3 out of 5 for last year. Just sayin'.)